In literature, the use of a person, place, or object to represent or signify an abstract idea by making their meanings different from their original literal meaning is symbolism. In symbolism, a person, place, or thing doesn't necessarily have to be attached to a single meaning. Symbols are used in our everyday life, for example, some sports teams name themselves after animals just to make their name fearsome.
A dove is a common symbol used as a concept for peace, it is also used to end conflict. Ordinarily a dove is supposed to be white bird, but the use of symbolism has given a dove another literal meaning, which makes us see a dove as a sign of peace and tranquility.
This letter is to ________ (add someone special to you)
I can't explain how grateful I am for you coming into my life with enough words. You have had such a profound influence on my life. Without you, I will not be the person I am today, and I am certain that you would continue to motivate me to become a better version of myself.
Since I know you don't believe in stuff happening for a reason, I'm willing to believe that you were brought into my life for a reason for both of us.
You've shown me that I have a story to tell and that it counts. You've also shown me that my story is valuable to others. I will unlock doors that would otherwise be locked by being genuine and vulnerable. It wasn't until I began honing my skills that I realized what I was missing. I just truly wanted to thank you for being a great ____ {friend} {mom} {sister} {dad} {anyone} -Love _____ { your name}
Everyone can use this letter
The suffix -ible is like the suffix -able. They both mean "capable of doing."
Convertible means being able or capable of converting.
An apostrophe is usually used to show possesion.