South and cause they wanted to continue their culture
WWII ended with the defeat of Germany and Japan. ... 1.WWI was fought between 1914 and 1918 while WWII was fought between 1939 and 1945. 2.The two warring groups of WWI were the Allied Powers and the Central Powers while the two warring groups of WWII were The Allies and The Axis powers.
The Yalta Conference essentially confirmed the accords reach in the previous Allied conference at Teheran in 1943, in regards to the unconditional surrender of the Axis powers. What was confirmed in Yalta was the commitment to create a new international organization, better equipped than the previous Society of Nations. This organization would be the United Nations.
The Yalta Conference was the entry point of the Cold War, that would essentially began after the Postdam Conference in 1945. What made Yalta relevant, was the commitment to install the United Nations as a heir of the former Society of Nations of the 1920's, but with the aim that this new organization would have a better way of coercing nations to respect international laws. However the conference also saw the Soviet Union using the leverage it had regarding the war, to make the US help it to force Britain to accept for example the Soviet occupation of Poland, in exchange for the Soviet war declaration over Japan.
In box one it was Nazi Germany and Soviet Russia, and they did that so they could invade Poland.
Double jepordy. self incrimination. due process. trial by grand jury