.D.complementary products
A complementary good is a product whose usage is dependent on the availability of another. Complementary goods are, therefore, goods that are used together. For example, A and B will be complimentary goods if the use of A will require the use of B.
Yachts and docks are complementary products because a yacht will require a dock as the base of its operation. Without a dock, yacht operations will be almost impossible. Bill is not making good sales on big yachts because potential customers cannot find sufficient docking space. Other examples of complementary goods are car and petrol, printers and ink cartridges, guns and bullets, and DVD players and DVD disks.
no it is not bad to have hair painted on the id
the correct answer is $150
TC=500 + 150q - 20q^2 + q^3
When AVC is at its minimum means that the marginal cost( CM) is igual to AVC, so we could consider this analysis:
CM= d(TC)/dq =150-40Q+3Q^2
Join similar terms:
Q_1=0 y Q_2=20/2=10
with q_1 with q_2
150-40*0+3*0=150-20*0+0 150-40*10+3*10^2=150-20*10+10^2
$150=$150 150-400+300 =150-200+100
$50= $ 50
We have two solution if we assume that q=0 like the minimum then the results is $150.
f we assume that q=10 like the minimum then the results is $50.
Venture Capital
Venture capital is the type of partnership in which two or more than two firm or people invest in a project or assets that has higher tendency of returns payback.