The great schisms were disputres in the catholic church
Answer and explanation;
By organizing information through the use of civilization, one is able to distinctly outline specific cultures based on their time and places.
Civilization is a "western word" that is defined as having:
1) a food producing based that generated surpluses,
2) an in increase in population,
3) specialization of labor,
4) a social hierachy,
5) growth of trade,
6) centralization of political and religious authority,
7) monumental building, and
8) the development of writing and written records.
kill- by-famine
The policies of Stalin known as the five years plan that aimed at industrializing soviet union are to be blamed for million death, that were covered up from the outside world.
Answer: Personal life. A Unitarian in belief, she was hampered in her career by deafness that she had inherited from her father and, inheriting their mother's feebleness, both sisters yielded to disease in middle age.
Born: 22 February 1805, Old Harlow
Parents: Benjamin Flower
Sibling: Eliza Flower
Died: 14 August 1848
The answer is option C
A round circle is the circle with a settled separation around the barycenter, that is, in the state of a circle. Underneath we consider a round circle in astrodynamics or heavenly mechanics under standard assumptions.In our nearby planetary group, the Earth and the eight different planets circle the Sun. A large portion of the articles circling the Sun move along or near a nonexistent level surface. This fanciful surface is known as the ecliptic plane. Numerous planets additionally have moons.Earth's circle is certainly not an ideal circle. It is circular, or marginally oval-molded. This implies there is one point in the circle where Earth is nearest to the Sun, and another where Earth is most distant from the Sun