The National Criminal Justice Association exists to promote the development of justice systems in states, tribal nations, and units of local government that enhance public safety; prevent and reduce the harmful effects of criminal and delinquent behavior on victims, individuals, and communities; adjudicate defendants and sanction offenders fairly and justly; and that are effective and efficient.
Toward this end, the Association:
Maintains the focus of state, tribal, local and federal governments on the needs of the criminal and juvenile justice systems;
Represents state, tribal, and local criminal and juvenile justice system concerns to the federal government;
Provides support for the development of criminal and juvenile justice policy for the nation’s governors and tribal leaders;
Supports the public and all levels of government in the achievement of public safety by the coordination of education, community and social service systems, in addition to law enforcement and criminal justice measures;
Serves as a catalyst for the careful consideration and promotion of effective and efficient criminal and juvenile justice policies and practices;
Advocates for the commitment of adequate resources to support all components of the criminal and juvenile justice systems; and
Coordinates between the different branches and levels of government and promotes broad philosophical agreement.
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d. Whether the statute has a secular legislative purpose and whether the statute's principal or primary effect either advances or inhibits religion; and also whether the statute fosters an excessive government entanglement with religion
The establishment clause is related to the first amendment of the US constitution. This clause refers to the freedom of religion that should be allowed in the country, as it states that the government is prohibited from establishing and imposing a single religion on all citizens of the country, as well as preventing citizens from following the religion they desire. .
Accordingly, whether the statute has a secular legislative objective and whether the primary or primary effect of the statute promotes or inhibits religion; and also if the statute promotes excessive government involvement with religion means that the government statute is violating the Establishment Clause.