The US wanted to force the Navajos and other Native American tribes to assimilate into American culture, so they tried to destroy their culture by making them not speak their language (until WWII, where they became the renowned Navajo Code Talkers)
It was technically genocide, since the US wanted to get rid of all Native American culture.
violation to the Supremacy Clause of the US Constitution.
The Supremacy Clause incorporated in Article VI of the Constitution states that the federal law is the highest and final law of the country. It provides that every federal state law must adhere to the tenets of the constitution.
If any state laws conflict or are incompatible with federal statutes or the constitution, the federal government may declare them null and void through the Supremacy Clause. It gives the federal government the power to declare any state law as void and null.
Steam was used for boats and trains, making cleaner, faster transportation.
The British used the idea of imperialism to to promote enlistment during the war by implying that if Britain lost, her empire would be lost as well.