Not only is the biota important, but the abiotic factors in the ocean are also important because both groups work together. The abiotic factors in the ocean help the ocean to 'work'. For example, phytoplankton (autotrophs) need light, nutrients, CO2 (dissolved gases) to photosynthesize.
The concentration of the lipids will increase: phospholipids generated from CDP-DAG and a polar head group
The concentration of the lipids will decrease: phophosplipids generated from DAG and activated head groups "triacylglycerols"
I think that about half of all babies are able to walk independently by 12 month of age. It said that babies tend to take their first steps from the age of 9. Babies usually start to crawl before they can walk. This is because their arm are usually more effective. After crawling they learn to stand up with their feet first and later learn to walk while holding things. The next step after that is walking.
Not all babies walk at the same time. There those that learn before the other so there is no need to worry if your child does not walk by 12 months.
You can do golden rice. It was genetically modified to produce beta carotene, which rice does not usually have. When metabolized by the body beta carotene is turned to vitamin A which is essential to human vision, immune systems, and healthier skin
DNA is a long polymer with a phosphate backbone and deoxyriboses. Adenine, guanine, cytosine, and thymine are the four nitrogenous bases. The backbone of RNA is made up of ribose and phosphate. Adenine, guanine, cytosine, and uracil are four nitrogenous bases.
So DNA is two stranded, RNA is single stranded.
Lmk if you need more :)