The political and economic theories of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, later developed by their followers to form the basis for the theory and practice of communism.
To learn the importance of the past and how it affects the future.
1. It Is a clear expression of fake democracy. The term "free election" doesn't entirely make sense in a country where any distinction between the ruling party and the government has been almost completely erased. Syria is considered a unitary republic with a semi-presidential style of government. However, the controlling parties practice a highly authoritarian regime with most of the political power in the AL-Assad family's hands. People doesn't have more option if the want to "live".
2. If I live in that country, I think I feel like a hostage. Elections over there aren't free, and they're certainly not fair. The resulting optics are not democratic enough. They buy the government a minimum of democratic credibility abroad without seriously imperiling its hold on power.
James J. McAlester contributed to the economic development in Indian Territory by making many lucrative coal claims and later on establishing McAlester Coal Mining Co.