Some African countries have mortality rates over 10%. For example, according to the most recent CIA estimates, in countries like Somalia, Central African Republic, Niger and Chad, there are around 90 deaths per 1,000 live births, which is a lot.
This extremely high mortality rate affects economic growth in the long run. First of all, most economists agree that human capital is the most important form of capital, and the one that helps boost economic growth the most.
Every child who dies is potential human capital loss (and a moral tragedy as well).
If medical aid increased in those African countries, and less children died at a young age, those children would help develop the economies. However, education is also needed. If the children survive but are not well-educated, they will not be very productive in the modern economy, which is knowledge-oriented.
Answer: D. The actual value of the contract is less than $30 million for each year he plays.
Given that Mark sherzer will be paid $15 million per year for 14 years reflects a contract whose value at the time of signing is ($15 million × 14) = $210 million. However, the payment would not be paid at the of signing but spread over a period of 14 years with $15 million being splashed out annually. However, considering the time value of money, whereby the present value of a fixed amount decreases with time. Hence in actual sense, the $210 million face worth of the contract will actually be less than $30 million [$210/7(playing years)] as time progresses on the fixed amount paid yearly due to reduction in the value of the present value as time progresses.
Industrialized former colonial states that dominate the world economic system: Core Countries