While responding to an emergency call, if you encounter a school bus unloading students you should stop and wait for all children to cross the road safely.
Drivers must stop for school buses according to their state lawsand in a situation in which an emergency vehicle of any typeis approaching from the rear, the driver must pull as far to the right as possible and stop!
Answer:A conditioned taste aversion
A conditioned taste aversion refers to how we tend to avoid the food after we have eaten it and got Ill.
This is how classical conditioning has an impact on our behavior. This occurs even if we have only eaten that type of food once.
Let say you ate a piece of blue berry pie and afterwards you felt ill and after that everytime when you think about blueberry pie you begin to feel queasy, this si what is referred to a conditioned taste aversion.
Dimitri is experiencing the same thing because he feels ill just when they stop for donut even before he eats it, just the thought of it.
Social-Phobia/Social Anxiety Disorder
everyday social interactions cause irrational anxiety, fear, self-consciousness, and embarrassment.
TR = P * Q, or Total Revenue = Price * Quantity.