Answer: A small amount of mucus in stool is usually nothing to worry about. Stool normally contains a small amount of mucus — a jellylike substance that your intestines make to keep the lining of your colon moist and lubricated.
Look down below
Secularism means the seperation of the state from religious instituitions.
When you have secularism you can have different religious political and any other beliefs. Without something like secularism politics or religion may rule and everyone would have to be that said thing.
HDI refers to Human Development Index and it’s a measure of the key elements and areas of how citizens of the country develop. These can be measured through their average income, health care etc.
China- 0.761 85th
USA - 0.926 17th
Japan- 0.919 19th
UK- 0.932 13th
Saudi Arabia- 0.854 40th
Iraq- 0.674 123rd
Leader, business women/man