A. Revenue is the total amount producers receive after selling a good. Profit is the total amount producers earn after subtracting the production costs.
Revenue alludes to the measure of cash your business is accepting as installments from your clients previously any expenses or costs are deducted. It is appeared at the best thing of the pay explanation from which all charges, costs, costs are deducted to get the benefit of the association. Profit is the surplus staying after all out expenses are deducted from absolute income.
It would be most difficult to use the <u>medical model</u> to explain why bulimia nervosa occurs mostly in western cultures.
Bulimia is an eating disorder. it is characterized by using control episodes of overeating, called bingeing. Which is followed through purging with techniques that includes vomiting or misuse of laxatives. Bingeing is consuming lots large amounts of meals than you will generally devour in a short time period, usually less than 2 hours.
Bulimia can subsequently result in physical troubles associated with now not getting the right nutrients, vomiting plenty, or overusing laxatives. possible headaches include: feeling tired and weak. Dental issues – stomach acid from chronic vomiting can harm tooth enamel.
The DSM-III-R indexed bulimia as a separate eating sickness for the primary time. The American Psychiatric Association noted binge consumption in the Diagnostic and Statistical manual of mental disorders (DSM). It became listed as a characteristic of bulimia.
Learn more about Nervosa here
This barrier to diversity comes in many forms, but all types of hegemony involve cultural domination.
Hegemony pertains to a group’s dominion over another. One example of this is a school’s student government body. The student government has dominion over other students as they are the ones who manages all of them.
Government receipts that exceed its budget for the year or budget