In a larger city you have the risk of being in danger more than in a small town because it more busy and has alot more going on which makes it harder to be physical active without getting hit by a car or someone walk or riding a bike.
We typically assume that lower class/income - borderline poverty stricken individuals terminate pregnancies however, the statistics show that these individuals are no more likely to terminate than higher class/income individuals.
Dr. Antonio is conducting a case study, and he can conclude that for this patient certain thoughts are related to suicidal ideation.
A case study is considered a empirical inquiry that aims to explore or investigate a problem in real-life. They are usually in-depth research or investigations on an individual, group or event aimed at unraveling the causes of an underlying principle of problem. Conclusion from case studies are usually tied to the case itself and are not usually generalized.
Can not be determined.
Only the number of calories is given and this is not enough to find out Alex's TEE as there is no detail about his height, weight and age is given.
Please comment if you have more information and ill edit the answer!