-inhibition of peptidoglycan synthesis
-inhibition of fimbriae synthesis
-interfering with translation at 70s ribosomes
Selective toxicity refers to the ability of the drug to targets sites that are relative specific to the microorganism responsible for infection. Sometimes these sites are unique to the microorganism or simply more essential to survival of the microorganism than to the host.
-Antibacterial action generally falls within one of four mechanisms, three of which involve the inhibition or regulation of enzymes involved in cell wall biosynthesis, nucleic acid metabolism and repair, or protein synthesis, respectively. The fourth mechanism involves the disruption of membrane structure.
regulating important involuntary bodily2
function such as blood pressure ,heart rate,
breathing,and swallowing
Part C:It will change but the only one the will change is the A and U.
Oceans, Seas, and bodies of fresh water