A. 25/100
B. 1.75 billion people in the world would have no food or shelter. In scientific notation this translates to 1.75 × 10^9
C. 17 percent of the worlds population speaks Chinese, or 1.19 billion people. In scientific notation that translates to 1.19 × 10^9.
D. In a world of 100 people, around 4/100 or 4 percent would live in the U.S.
In 3 × 10^8, that translates to 300 Million out of 7 billion. Exactly 4.28 percent of the worlds population would live in the U.S. Now, translating that percent to a much smaller scale, out of 100 people only 4 people would live in the U.S. You can't have 0.28 percent of a person, so we just estimate it to 4 people.
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