Mammals is the type of organism that least naturally
reproduced by cloning. Mammals reproduced by Sexual reproduction typically
requires the sexual interaction of two specialized organisms, called gametes,
which contain half the number of chromosomes of normal cells and are made by
meiosis, which usually a male fertilizing a female.
maybe do B, not all of the same water molecules travel with the same wave
The Mitral/Bicuspid Valve
The heart is composed of 4 chambers: left and right atria, and left and right ventricles. The “right heart” (right atrium and ventricle) receives deoxygenated blood from the systemic circulation through the Vena Cava, and impels this blood towards the lungs through the Pulmonary Arteries where it will be oxygenated. The “left heart” (left atrium and left ventricle) receives oxygenated blood from the pulmonary circulation through the Pulmonary veins and impels this blood towards the systemic circulation through the Aorta artery.
The systemic and pulmonary circuits work in series, and maintaining the unidirectional course of the blood flow is very important. This can be done by the presence of fibrous valves that are present between the atrium and the ventricles, and in between the ventricles and the Pulmonary/Aorta artery.
The location of these structures are as follows:
Systemic circulation ⇒ Right Atrium → [Tricuspid Valve] → Right Ventricle → [Pulmonary Valve] → Pulmonary Artery ⇒ Pulmonary circulation
Pulmonary circulation ⇒ Left Atrium → [Mitral/Bicuspid Valve] → Left Ventricle → [Aortic Valve] → Aorta ⇒ Systemic circulation
A phospholipid is comprised of a phosphate hydrophilic head, which means that it is "water-loving," and a fatty acid hydrophobic tail, which is "water-hating." The head and the tail are joined together by a glycerol molecule.
The phosphate head is attracted to water because it is charged (i.e. negatively). Water is a polar molecule, which means that there is an uneven distribution of charges within its molecular structure with the oxygen side being "more negative" than the rest of the atom (which is "more positive" near the hydrogen). Thus, the negatively-charged nature of the phosphate head and the parts of the water molecule which are positively charged enable the two to form an "attraction" towards one another.
On the other hand, the hydrophobic tail is nonpolar, which means that it does not have a "more positive" or "more negative" side or part in its molecular structure. These differences in structure with water make the hydrophobic tail unattracted to water molecules and more attracted to other uncharged, nonpolar molecules (such as fats and oils).
answer is B: autotrophs. in autotrophic nutrition the prokaryotes will use inorganic substance for energy in general it can be divided into photo or chemical autotrophism. the chemical autotrophs use inorganic substance to produce organic substances for energy generation. example of chemical autotrophs include nitrosomonas bacteria and nitrobacter bacteria