Marco Polo made an impact to later on European travelers, by his travels and discoveries. Marco Polo was known by a man that had many travels and he survived many of them, even though they had diseases and the fatigue of the travel. In his book that he wrote called The Travels of Marco Polo focuses mainly on descriptions of spices and commercial goods and many other interesting trade items he encountered in his travels. Marco Polo had a great impact on the area of what is now China. Because of his travels through the Eastern areas, he brought some of the cultures to the East and he also took some of the East cultures back to the West. However, Marco Polo wasn't able to fully connect the West with the East, so he engaged the future European explores to interact more with the Eastern areas. Many explorers also then had the curiosity to know and discover different places like Marco Polo. Another famous explorer that also made a big impact was Christopher Columbus which who discover America, and he also brought the cultures.
The most important holdings were Angola and Mozambique
First i divided but got 1 r9 so i rounded the quotient up. i rounded the remainder up, and got 10, but rounding the actual quotient up, i would say about 2. so i added 2 and 10 together and got 12. then i multiplied 40 by 12 and got 120. so, they got 120 inches of rain in a 31 day month
Citizen participation refers to the citizens' involvement in their country's government. In an autocracy, there is often very little citizen participation. The power lies solely in the government, most likely in just one person. One example of an autocratic government is a monarchy. In which, the King or Queen holds all the power. Citizen participation is not a priortiy in this form of government. In an oligarchy, a group of people are in control. Usually, this group is a higher/richer class. A democratic government, however, involves more citizen participation than arguably any other government form. In a democratic system, the citizens make most of the important decisions. Presidents, represenatives, law-makers, etc. are all elected by the citizens.