Binary file.
In this case, the network security analyst is using the Follow TCP Stream feature in Wireshark to rebuild the TCP transaction. However, the transaction data seems indecipherable. The explanation for this is that the TCP transaction file is a Binary File and because of this the network secuirty analyst is unable to decipher the transaction file.
The solution for this is to convert the binary file into text file which is human readable.
The Big Five Factor: neuroticism, extraversion, openness, and conscientiousness.
B) A block of statement that might cause an exception.
Exception handling is a good programming technique that prevents our program from crashing when an exception occurs during execution. The try clause is used with a catch to handle any exception that might occur, so whenever a statement that might cause an exception is to be used, this should be contained in a try statement block of code.
Step 1: Collection. The first step in the recycling process is always collecting the plastic material that is to be recycled. ...
Step 2: Sorting. ...
Step 3: Washing. ...
Step 4: Resizing. ...
Step 5: Identification and separation of plastics. ...
Step 6: Compounding.
Because of the reflection on the window or mirror.