If you have to use the French conditional tense , here are a few sentences:
A leur arrivée, nous devrions les accueillir
Puis nous devrions les accompagner dans leur logement
Ensuite, le jour suivant, je propose que nous fassions une grande fête de bienvenue
All the French verbs are in French conditional tense except "propose" (present tense)
At their arrival, we should welcome them
Then, we should come with them (accompany) to their home
Afterwards, the next day, I suggest we should do a big welcome party...
Hope I helped !!
I love Miraculous... I don't know what that says though
France and Switzerland are both part of the European continent. France has a population of about 67m, Switzerland only has a population of about 8m. Both countries are overwhelmingly Roman Catholic. France is a Semi-presidential republic and Switzerland is a federal republic, formerly a confederation.
<em>What does French children’s get when they ask for something in Christmas?</em>
- a gift
Choose the appropriate pronoun to replace the underlined (the **) text.
<em>Ils sont allés ** à Québec **</em>
(Ils "y" sont allés).
<em>Elle a raté ** son examen**</em>
(Elle l'a raté).
Choose the most logical response to the following question :
Il a expliqué la situation aux autres ?
<em>Oui , il la leur a expliquée .</em>
Est-ce qu'il a pensé aux difficultés ?
<em>Oui , il y a pensé .</em>
<em>Which response could have been replaced by the following sentence?</em>
Je n'ai pas pensé à mes problèmes.