Grain storage gave people security and the ability of planning ahead. It means that they could store what they produced for the winter and not fear the winter. They could make long term plans and not just live day by day, fearing whether they would have enought to eat the following day
Additionally, it allowed for distribution of grain according to the wishes of those in power
not fair at all but this is an opinionated question u literelly shouldnt be able to get it wrong
In a capitalist economy, the role of government is very limited. The main functions of government, as given by Adam Smith, are to maintain law and order in a country, make national defense stronger, and regulate money supply. According to Smith, the market system administers various economic functions.
He oversaw the construction of schools and universities.
\ Explanation:
A). Left; Rises.
As per the given description, if the stock prices remain less elusive the demand curve for bonds shifts to 'left' while the interest rates 'rises' as in such a case, demand contracts or decreases due to several other factors except price of the good. This would lead to a steep rise in the 'interest rates' for possessing other assets as contraction or left shift in demand reflects the situation of recession where there is a considerable fall in income and consequently, the expenditure. Therefore, the people would require money to spend. Hence, <u>option A</u> is the correct answer.