Thomas Jefferson, George Washington, James Madison, and others took the brave steps of creating a government based on the Enlightenment values of liberty, equality, and a new form of justice.
So to simplify, liberty, equality, and a new form of justice.
If you had voted for Andrew Jackson for the Presidency during this time, it is likely that you were a "common person," such as a farmer, since this was the demographic that Jackson tried to appeal to.
The origin story shows heroes born out of trauma, destiny or chance rising to a place of immortality.
In the predictability of our superheroes we find a stability and comfort that will keep them forever relevant.
Deep within the history of 20th century pop-culture, America has always had a fascination with our caped crusaders. Even if you do not call yourself a "comic book fan," the influence of superheroes on our culture is undeniable. Just their names alone (Superman, Batman, Spiderman and Captain America to name a few) bring with them an instant image of who they are and what they stand for.
Despite the ever-changing status we find ourselves in, superheroes are the exception to the rule. They are static, developmentally arrested, and selfless, and we love it.