Ancient Grecian Government
Ancient Greece was the beginning of democracy. In 507 BC Cleisthenes introduced a new form of government and principle which was "rule by the people" and leaders were elected.
This system was divided into three groups: writers of the laws, a council of representatives from each tribe, and courts where citizens argued cases before randomly-selected jurors.
Ancient Roman Government
Roman government went through many changes during its existence including city state, kingdom, republic, and imperial periods. Its main principle was that of "republic" in which leaders were elected and only for a limited time.
Like the Greeks, the Republican Roman government had three separate branches of government but they operated a little bit differently: legislative (makes laws) with the Senate and assemblies, executive (enforces laws) led by two consuls, and judicial (interprets laws) with eight judges.
Writing down thoughts as soon as possible after each interview, focus group, or site visit is called Memoing.
It is an act of recording reflective notes what is the researcher or analyst or student is leaning from the data.Memos accumulate as written ideas or records about concepts and their relationships. Memoing helps in qualitative research process.
It would be more logical to have an abundant amount of resources than to be in a center of a training route. Thomas Jefferson's Embargo Act of 1807 is an example. America suffered more even though it was meant to punish France and Great Britain. If America had more supplies then they wouldn't have any issue with trading with someone else. America is across the sea so it is hard to believe they were in the center of the training route.
Having a good location is important, but if there isn't enough to trade then that creates more issues. One would be that the area could become a reputation for being unreliable. It does come to the question if the loads of resources is worth traveling for or to take a route that's faster but there isn't a lot of give. Being isolated also means that of there happens to be an issue in the trade then the location is either off the maps or people don't want to there because of the distance and the prices might be able to go up. That's why resources are better than location.
Byzantine last 1000 years longer.