Removal of introns
the reduction in the sequence is as a result of the removal of introns. Introns are actually non-coding regions and do not code for proteins. they are usually spliced out.
There is no attached table, so it could not be told precisely which of the four molecules is the DNA. But, it is known that DNA consists of deoxyribose, guanine, and phosphate.
The base unit of DNA is called a nucleotide. The nucleotide consists of a nucleobase (adenine - A, thymine - T, cytosine - C, and <u>guanine -G</u>), a monosaccharide <u>deoxyribose</u>, and a <u>phosphate </u>group. <span>By knowing this, it is easy to choose which molecule of those is the DNA.</span>
If a decaying baby teeth is untreated properly without an expert's care, it may lead to permanent and serious problems in the developing permanent teeth. Which why it is advisable for parent to bring their children to their family dentist for regular check-ups to diagnose any present problems in the teeth and may be fixed right away.