He divided his kingdom into provinces and had a trusted governor for each one.
Some reasons were that Native Hawaiians were against U.S. annexation, and the controversy of how US marines used force against the Queen Liliuokalani of Hawaii (held her at gunpoint) and also the fact that President Grover Cleveland himself was against annexation.
The purpose of Hay's notes was to grant all the major powers equal access to Chinese trade and reduce the influence of countries that already had an especially large hold in China (such as Japan and Russia) so they couldn't force other countries (particularly the United States) out of the Chinese market.
<span>The British tabloid was engaged in sensationalism. Sensationalism is used by media outlets to excite the general public and manipulate them into believing fabricated or misleading information. Things such as exaggerations or lies are used to help garner interest in a particular story.</span>