If a software package is purchased, consider a supplemental maintenance package which offers additional support and assistance from the vendor.
Supplemental maintenance with assist in future issues while using the software. These can range from not working correctly or just needing a few tips on how to use the software. Most companies that sell software or electronics, offer these.
If the majority of service customers are satisfied, it is likely that all service customers will be satisfied. False
Customer service is the provision of service to customers before, during, and after purchase. This makes it an important part of the customer's value chain. Different industries require different levels of customer service [1], but ultimately, the idea of a well-delivered service is to increase revenue. Awareness of a successful customer service interaction depends on employees who are “adaptive to the customer's personality”. [2] Customer service is often practiced in a way that reflects the company's strategy and values. Good customer service is usually valued by customer loyalty. Customer service is part of a company's intangible assets for some companies and can differentiate them from others in their industry. A great customer service experience can change a customer's overall perception of your company. [3]
Good customer service means consistently meeting customer expectations. Good customer service is fast, easy, personal, and caring. Companies that provide excellent customer service take the time to understand the needs of their unique customer base. J.
Learn more about service customers here
Answer: Highlight the headings in bold and choose your preferred colour.
For Alicia To add a bold effect on the word, she has to highlight the word she wants to work with and increase the size to your desired colour, this is also applicable to choosing preferred colour
It can be C because it's accepting the risk to do it
But it can also be B because it's sharing the risk with everyone else
Answer: message channel
In an international communication process carried out by a company, the sales force of the company that conveys the encoded message to the intended receiver acts as a message channel.
The sales force are said to act as a.mesage channel because they are the ones that pass the message across to the intended receiver.