That Mrs. Brooks is fat
Answer:What they had in common was the pride and passion they gave to there tribe or people.
That Jenny uses body language reading to detect when someone is lying.
Body languages involves every movement that the person does, even the slightest move or tick counts as it. Most people have a singular characteristic movement when they tell a lie.
Some blink, other touch some part of their body constantly like the hands), some others look to a certain point, etc.
Jenny is most likely to use this as a method for detecting other´s peoples lies, which is very effective once you know look very close to the person and its signs.
1. Homeside Products
306 North Sherman Drive
Lamar, SD 30453
This address included on the label is the company information. This is where any complaints about the product should be addressed to.
2. To Use, Stand back
The section titled "To Use" will tell a person how to use the fire extinguisher in a way that is effective and safe. In order to find information in this section about how far back to stand, the user will need to look for the words stand back. The directions tell the user to "Stand back 6 feet".
3. First Aid
The section on the label that tells what to do if the product comes in contact with skin. A dog should be treated the same way a person is treated. in this section, it says that the chemicals are not toxic, but the area should still be flushed with cool water.