After Texans had tried to achieve representation in the Mexican legislature, Santa Anna threw out the Mexican democratic constitution and established a dictatorship, which prompted the Texans to revolt.
That's all I have
Firstly the United States of America told the president of USSR that they were getting wrongly involved with Afghanistan and they should immediately withdraw. On falling in deaf ears, the United States did not participate in 1980 Summer Olympics that was held in Moscow. After this the United states started supplying arms to the various Afghan resistance groups.
Social harmony can be defined as the state of well-being and peace between the different individuals that make up a society. Thus, the main objective or component of this concept is precisely the possibility of this society to develop with total normality, avoiding political, religious or cultural conflicts between its different members, tolerating ideological differences or criteria, and considering the differences as enriching and not as causes of conflict.
US nation witnessed many social and economic issues during Word War II. The then American president Roosevelt conveyed the four freedom of thought to the people with his sentimental policy focus on administration.
After the drastic effects of World War II, US national citizens experienced the problem of unemployment, low standard of living, The Great Depression, and low production. But Roosevelt adopted many policies to recover the losses. He also propagated the power of defending critical issues.
Roosevelt had framed his ideology with the four freedom of principles namely worship, want, fear, and speech. He envisaged such principles directly to the people with their sentiment thought.
The correct answer is A. The creation of large regions of wilderness for animals such as bison and grizzly.
Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem located within the Rocky Mountains in the U.S. is one of few ecosystems around the world that remain intact. This ecosystem is the habitat of many native species of both plants and animals. In terms of management plans for the ecosystem, during the years plans have focused on environmental sustainability and preservation of natural conditions; this includes defining areas or regions of wilderness including forests, meadows, and grassland, promoting policies to protect species of the area, limiting human intervention, among others.
From these, one of the major benefits is the creation or establishment of areas of wilderness because this plays an important role in the preservation of species including grizzly bears, elks, wolves, and bison. Thus, the major benefit from the options is "The creation of large regions of wilderness for animals such as bison and grizzly".