The have a cell wall and nucleus. But no chlorophyll since they are decompose stuff
Go to the Prenatal Testing page for more details. If one parent has sickle cell trait (HbAS) and the other has sickle cell anaemia (HbSS) there is a one in two(50%) chance that any given child will get sickle cell trait and a one in two chance that any given child will get sickle cell anaemia.
Answer: The non-vascular plant group are
A) Chlorophytes
B) Charophytes
C) Bryophytes
Charophytes, Chlorophytes and
Bryophytes are those plants having multicellular body and doesn't have a vascular bundle i. e. xylum and phloem. In vascular plants, xylum ia is responsible for the transportation of water and phloem is responsible for the transportation of food materials from one part to another. These bundles are absent in Chlorophytes, Charophytes and Bryophytes.
I know you only need two, but here:
--Subsidence and sinkholes.
--Sinkholes and caverns.
--Waterfalls and rapids.
--Deltas and levees.
--Erosion and abrasion.