The sample will disolve in less than one minute.... temperature changes the rate of reactions......
B. Crystalline structure
C. Types of chemical elements
D. Amounts of chemical elements
<u>A. red blood cells containing malaria</u>
Malaria is a disease-causing pathogen in humans. It is caused by species of the parasite <em>Plasmodium sp.</em><em>,</em> which is transmitted as sporozoites by the Anopheles mosquito upon biting the host. These travel through the bloodstream to the liver where they mature into merozoites. These reenter the bloodstream and mature into trophozoites and schizonts that produce more merozoites.
When they multiply within the red blood cell, they <u>burst the red blood cell open</u>, and go on to infect other cells. This infection's symptoms are cyclic and include high fever, chills and other flu-like symptoms.
Malaria is a deadly illness, causing harm to its hosts, and in many cases death. <u>Thus, this cannot be defined as symbiosis, which is typically beneficial to both organisms.</u>
Blending inheritance leads to the averaging out of every characteristic, which as the engineer Fleming Jenkin pointed out, would make natural selection impossible if blending were the mechanism of inheritance.
Polytene chromosomes may be defined as the giant chromosomes that contain alternate dark and light bands when view under the microscope. These chromosomes are found in the salivary gland of Drosophila.
These glands are functionally highly active and contain thousand of DNA strands. These chromosomes are aligned parallel with each other as the replication is normal but the cells are unable to separate and fails to undergo the process of cytokinesis.