Changes in the composition of the atmosphere
Although this answer is very vague and generalized, it is the correct answer.
The increase in greenhouse gas emissions in the atmosphere from modern manufacturing and engineering has increase carbon dioxide and methane concentrations in the upper atmosphere. These gasses have a chemical composition that allows the absorption and release of longwave radiation back to the Earth's surface slowly increasing the global average temperature.
The kingdom described above is the kingdom Animalia. Heterotrophic mode of nutrition is a type of nutrition in which organisms depends upon other organisms such as plants for survival, for example all animals are heterotrophic and obtain all organic materials they need to survive. The other type of nutrition is the autotrophic mode of nutrition in which organisms use simple inorganic substances to synthesize organic molecules, a characteristic of plants.
Blank 1 = iron..blank 2= red meat
This is happen during anaphase when two chromatids separate and move towards opposite poles,