Click the “Insert” tab, then click the “Chart” button on the Illustrations section to open the “Insert Chart” pop-up window.
Select the type of graph to add to the document, such as a pie chart or bar graph. ...
Click “OK” and Word adds a chart with generic data points to the document.
The FIND function returns the position (as a number) of one text string inside another. If there is more than one occurrence of the search string, FIND returns the position of the first occurrence. FIND does not support wildcards, and is always case-sensitive.
The main method should simply terminate if the FileNotFoundException occurs.
Considering the full code snippet
snippet:public static void main(String[] args) throws FileNotFoundException
public static void main(String[])
represent the entry point method to a java main method
The addition of
throws FileNotFoundException
widens the scope of the main method to explicitly specifies that an exception named the FileNotFoundException may be thrown.
So, if any part of the code explicitly throws the FileNotFoundException the compiler makes use of this to throw an exception.
By throwing an exception, the main method is not catching any exceptions, instead it handles the FileNotFoundException by throwing it to the source which invoked the main method
This is required by the compiler to terminate the program if the FileNotFoundException occurs.