Prokaryotes don’t have any membrane bound-organelles but they have DNA, a cell membrane and ribosomes
Opinion on Climate Change
A poll taken in 2016 shows that 52% of Americans believe climate change to be caused by human activity, while 34% state it is caused by natural changes. Data is increasingly showing that 62% of Americans believe that the effects of global warming are happening now in 2017.
Please put this question in English and I would then love to help you. Thanks.
Cell theory is one of the foundations of biology. The observation of Robert Hooke,Anton Van Leeuewenhoek,Matthias Schleiden,Theodor Schwann,Rudolf Virchow, and others led to the devolepment of the cell theory.
molecule perform its function in order to share electrons and full its outermost shell electrons which is required for an atom to make himself stable.
what do you mean by perform its function?if you not understand again ask a question properly .thanks