the definition margins are the edges
SQL (<span>Structured Query Language.) is the standard programming language for communicating and organizing databases (DB).
In order to search through the database the statement SELECT should be used.
SELECT select data from the database.
SELECT is followed by the statement FROM which defines from which database you search record. </span>
CSS is a language used to format or add styling to web components like the media player. style rules such as borders, drop-shadows, filters, transformation, etc, are added using CSS. CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets, it is the core three languages needed to create a website, CSS is used alongside HTML and JavaScript, where HTML provides structure, CSS adds styling and JavaScript adds interactivity.
Be polite and open to ideas
Before going make a list of things you need to know for sure. You could also provide some samples. Make sure you take many notes on what they want! Speak with your client and ask them how and when they want to be updated on progress, some might want to know once a week others may want to receive a progress report every day. Communication is always key and will always help you provide good service.
Hopefully, this helps!