The percentage decrease is 10.4%.
To calculate percentage decrease, use the formula,
Percentage decrease
Yesterday the price of coffee was 2.40. This is the old price.
Today the price is 2.15. This is the new price.
To the nearest tenth, we have:
Therefore the percentage decrease is 10.4%.
If 3/5 are action and 1/4 are comedy then:
(3/5)+(1/4) are action or comedy
To add/subtract fractions you need a common denominator...
So 17/20 (85%) of his collection are action or comedy not 4/9...
Let the cost of gasoline in the year 2000 be represented b the equation
y = a + b*x
x = months, counted from January
y = cost, dollars
The given data in the table is
Month: Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
x, months: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
y, dollars: --- --- --- --- 1.76 2.13 --- --- --- --- --- ---
When x = 5, y = 1.76.
a + 5b = 1.76 (1)
When x = 6, y = 2.13
a + 6b = 2.13 (2)
Subtract equation (1) from (2).
a + 6b - (a + 5b) = 2.13 - 1.76
b = 0.37
From (1), obtain
a = 1.76 - 5b
= 1.76 - 5*0.37
= -0.09
The required equation is
y = 0.37x - 0.09
The graph shows the line, with the given data for May and June.
Answer: D. y = 0.37x - 0.09
Step-by-step explanation:
8+5 = 13
6+9 = 15