I do not know the poems by Robert Bly that you have read in class, but I would argue that in poems such as "A Dream on the Night of First Snow," for instance, the author uses a very graphic, visual, and arguably sarcastic language when talking about his dream - he first mentions a girl whom he met in an attic and who "talked of operas, intensely," and he abruptly changes topics and goes on to refer to his happily encounter with a salamander (which seems to have amused him more than the girl) and to describe, meticulously and almost humorously, the way the little creature "strode over a log" and left. One can clearly picture the salamander striding "confidently like a chess master" and rising up "like a tractor," and almost feel for it, while one can also smile slightly thinking of the girl who talked intensely about operas and was left alone by the speaker in the attic while she continued to do so. Another example of Bly's use of imagery and sarcasm with the goal of evincing an emotional reaction can be identified in "The Bear and the Man," which brings a bear closer to a man, and vice versa, by referring to a loss that both of them have experienced: the death of their respective sons. Ironically, the bear's son was killed by a trap, set (it can be inferred) by a man, and the man's son, who was inebriated and alone in the woods, was killed by a bear. The bear knows "his kin," abandoned down jackets among them, and so does the man, although the speaker seems to imply that the former knows more than the latter. They face each other and may fight at any moment, but the speaker, instead, reminds the reader that they share a grandmother (a reference to the Ursa Major or Great Bear) that watches them closely from the sky, in an attempt, perhaps, to reconcile them.
"The Monkey's Paw' is a short story written by W. W. Jacobs. The story revolves around the magical monkey's paw that's been bought by Sergeant Major Morris.
<u>The given excerpt of the story reflects the falling action of story as with this passage the author ends the story. To draw the conclusion of the story, authro left it intentionally on the readers.</u>
<u>The given passage describes the falling action after the climax of Mr. White asking for his second wish of having their son back.</u>
<u>Falling action</u><u> is the second last element of a plot structure in which the tensions and drama of climax has been ceased. In the given excerpt, the tension has been ceased.</u>