It is a name that means One who shines in the darkness of night
It is also the name of a city in Cameroon
Classical conditioning
Classical conditioning was proposed by Ivan Pavlov that informed in the psychology as learning of behaviorism. Classical conditioning is also called the learning of behavior where the conditioned stimulus is associated with the unconditional stimulus to produce a behavior response.
For example, To teach dogs with the sound of buzzer being fed is based on classical conditioning.
There are different type of behavior therapy are used to modify the behavior of a person such as desensitization, flooding, etc.
The correct answer for the question that is being presented above is this one: "Free will." <span>An important difference between humanistic and psychoanalytic approaches is that humanistic psychologists believe in the importance of free will.</span>
The <u>follower role</u> allowed the teenagers to speak less.
In the group assembled for the project, the 2 major roles which is the leader and the followers determines how the project is carried out. The leader directs on the steps to be taken to achieve the desired projects while the followers carries out the instruction given.
<em>For the teenagers to speak less means that they are in the role as a follower in the short-term project.</em>