Decipherability means to determine the meaning of. And as it has suffixed to 'able', i.e. Decipherable, it means the one which could be determined like that
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In the end, Lencho seems to be ungrateful and even accuses the people from the post office of having stolen his money, because he´s unaware that it was them, and not God, who gave him money.
In the story "A Letter to God," by G.L. Fuentes, Lencho is a farmer whose entire crop yield has been damaged by a hailstorm and decides to write a letter to God asking for 100 pesos to sow his field again. When the postmaster discovers Lencho´s letter, secretly collects some money for him, but is not the full amount Lencho had asked for. In the end, Lencho writes another letter for God, asking for the full amount, and accusing the people from the post office of having stolen part of his money, showing that he´s ungrateful and unaware of who are the people actually trying to help him.
In Act II, scene two, Shakespeare plants a hint at what is next for Romeo and Juliet. "I have night's cloak to hide me from their sight," Romeo says in scene two, "and, but thou love me, let them find me here." My life were better ended by their hate than death prorogued wanting of thy love." When Romeo says this, He is telling Juliet that it is far more important to him, to be with her tonight and die, then to live yearning for her. This is an example of foreshadowing because he is saying that it is worth dying than not having Juliet by his side. The example of foreshadowing that Shakespeare plants in Act II, give the audience a little insight into what's going to happen in the future of the story. Foreshadowing also creates suspense in the story causing viewers to be more atten