The difference is that the Triceps is a arm muscle and Biceps is a muscle of the arm. While the biceps crosses both the shoulder and elbow joints
Antidepressant is the medicine that is used to elevate the mood of a person. Neurotransmitters released from nerve ends in the synaptic cleft. When they attached to the opposite region then the function starts in nerves. Antidepressant medicine inhibits the binding of the neurotransmitter with the nerve end. Which inhibits the function of nerves and artificially mood elevates of a person.
When you gain weight steadily and slowly, you add less body fat and more muscles. It is because if fat lessens, the one who will replace or takes place of the fat that has been lessen will be the muscles. That is why people who undergo to trainings in gym or having to conduct exercise will likely burn fat and these fats will be replaced by muscles.
Animalia are multicellular and their cells are not encased in a cell wall, protista are eukaryotic unicellular organisms and contain a cell nucleus