1. scales & cone parts
2. Pistil and stamen & flower parts
3. egg & female cell
4. mitosis & cell division
5. hyphae & fungi parts
6. vegetative production & leaf and spore case
7. Sperm & make cell
BB=Brown as both are big B's
Bb=Brown as there is a big B
bb=Blue as both are little b's
Option (B).
Liver is an important organ that regulates the metabolic pathway of the body and helps in the process of digestion. The improper functioning of liver can cause yellowish skin, edema and high blood pressure.
Mrs F medical condition clearly describes the improper functioning of liver. The liver helps in the formation of bile juice. Bile is a soapy compound that helps in the emulsification of lipids.
Thus, the correct answer is option (B).
That's called Parasthesia.