3/5 block mile is also 0.6 block mile
4 1/2 miles is also 4.5 miles
How many 0.6mi blocks do you run to run 4.5 miles?
4.5miles/0.6block mi = 7.5 or 7 1/2 blocks will equal 4.5 or 4 1/2 miles.
Check 7.5 blocks x 0.6 block mi = 4.5 miles
Same as you know one quarter equals $0.25 cent. And how many do you need to make one dollar that equals $1.00 ?
1/ .25 = 4 quarters
Orders of Magnitude are in terms of scientific notation.
23,000 written in scientific notation is 2.3 x 10^4, it's magnitude is 4 ( the number 10 is raised to)
56 in scientific notation would be 5.6 x 10^1, its magnitude is 1.
4 - 1 = 3
2300 is 3 order of magnitudes larger.
The answer is 3.
uses the the formula y=mx+b and m is the slope. b is the y intercept.
(b) 5k+1
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