The ADA prohibited businesses from discriminating in any workplace function, including hiring, promotion, and firing, against those with disabilities. It also required businesses to make their stores accessible to those who are disabled. That includes making them wheel chair accessible and able to navigated safely by those who are blind and those who are deaf. Businesses who remained in violation of these acts were open to lawsuits and expensive fines.
persuasion is key
For a culturally self-aware care giver or individual, imposing your idea on others will not be an option, therefore the key to engaging a non complaint patient who has chosen the idea of trusting herbal medicine over a clinically tested one is persuasion: putting it before the patient the merit of using a prescribed,laboratory tested and a certified prescription over a non tested concoction without denigrating or belittling his belief in the traditional medicine he has chosen over the prescribed one.
i do not but i would like to learn.
This response is activated only by physical threats