Split the religion of Christianity in the West and the East
[The Great Schism]
Divided the Byzantine Empire
[ Iconoclastic Controversy ]
The Roman pope and Eastern patriarch excommunicated each other [ The Great Schism]
The Great Schism of 1054 was the breakup of the Christian church into two sections—the Western and the Eastern sections. These two sections were to turn into the Roman Catholic Church and the Eastern Orthodox Church. The divide remains today although there have been attempts to reconcile the two churches.
The Harlem Renaissance was a period in the American culture, between World War I and the 1930's, where Harlem became a place of cultural, social, political, artistic explosion. In this period, black artists, musicians, scholars, flooded in Harlem, expressing themselves, but also showing the American and the World public that the African-Americans are people that are on a much higher cultural level than what is the general perception about them.
Ethnic Group
thats the answer
The Space Age is thought to have officially begun on October 4th, 1957, with the launch of Sputnik 1 by the Soviet Union – the first artificial satellite to be launched into orbit.
In Katz v. USA (1967), the most important Fourth Amendment case, the defendant was sentenced by a federal court for illegal gambling. He organized them using a long-distance telephone, which was the crime against federal law. The judge admitted evidence to the trial in the form of telephone recordings of the accused received by the FBI agents. They installed eavesdropping equipment outside the telephone booth with which the accused called while committing a crime. The Supreme Court rejected the conviction.
Despite the fact that in the Katz case, the Court emphasized the protection of a person’s private life, rather than premises, it made one reservation: “The Fourth Amendment should not be construed as a basis for the adoption of a common “right to privacy.”
The decision in the Katz case is of great importance also for another reason. Judge Harlan, who joined the majority opinion, defined the criteria subsequently used by the courts to establish a violation or non-violation of the Fourth Amendment as a result of specific actions by the authorities. This criterion is called “reasonable expectation of privacy.” The criterion is based on two premises: first, a person must show a valid (subjective) expectation of respect for the right to privacy; secondly, this expectation must be of such a kind that society can recognize it as "reasonable."