the basic unit of life is the cell
d. All of the above exemplify the difference between a population and an individual.
A population is a group of individuals of the same species that live in a particular geographical area and are able to interbreed. A population is described with respect to several features such as death and birth rates, age structure, density, dispersion, change in the population size due to density-dependent and density-independent factors and the survivorship curve.
These features are not exhibited by a particular individual. Natural selection also works at populations. The evolutionary forces act upon populations to change their allele and genotype frequencies. Therefore, populations are the unit of evolution and change genetically over time, not the individuals. Population ecology studies the size of a populations and the trends and causes of changes in the populations over time.
I know carbon dioxide is, I don’t think oxygen and water vapour are. I don’t know the others, sorry
Answer: One advantage is, well, the water. There’s plenty of it and it’s all around. Therefore, most aquatic plants do not need adaptations for absorbing, transporting, and conserving water. They can save energy and matter by not growing extensive root systems, vascular tissues, or thick cuticles on leaves. Support is also less of a problem because of the buoyancy of water. As a result, adaptations such as strong woody stems and deep anchoring roots are not necessary for most aquatic plants.