They all have different compositions of protons, neutrons, and electrons. This causes variety and makes atoms different so they can make up different substances
Renewable energy resource as an obstacles for the growth of migratory salmon populations: It is now believed that the reduce access to spawning grounds and nursery areas, leading to a decrease in migratory fish populations is due to the dam structures of large storage-type schemes, which can create great obstacles for the movement of migratory fish species.
- Storage-type schemes ( big dams) can significantly change the downstream flow regime,and may also alter water temperature and quality, and even make it inhabitable for fish to live.
- As the storage of water can be linked with high evaporative losses, which in turn results in high life cycle water footprints compared to other sources of electricity.
<u>Run-of-river (ROR) schemes are HEP schemes: </u>
They operate without water storage, using the flow within a river channel.They are ecologically friendly and do not disturb the natural mechanism for the migrating salmons.
Working Principle:
They are normally used to regulate water levels, which allows a proportion or part of flow to be diverted down a secondary channel to a turbine before it is returned to the main channel further downstream.
There are some modern turbine types used in ROR HEP(hydroelectric power) schemes, which are also designed to allow fish to pass through the system unharmed if the fish do pass through the intake screens.
Answer: False.
Epithelial tissue is found in the linings of many structures throughout the body. There are two kinds of epithelial tissue: simple and stratified. And they perform different functions and are structured differently.
The simple epithelium consists of one single layer of cells. In this way, all cells are in direct contact with the basement membrane and are separated from the connective tissue. The main function of this epithelium is <u>absorption and filtration.</u>
The stratified epithelium is composed of many layers of cells that are stacked together. In this way, this epithelium has the function of <u>protecting against physical and chemical damage.</u>
If the birth rate in a population is 40, and the death rate in that population is 15, then the population will be experiencing growth. The growth will be 25 on every 1,000 people. If this trend continues for longer period, then the population will start to become younger and younger, making the basis of the population pyramid wider, while the top part of it smaller and smaller. This demographic situation in modern times seems to be present only in the less developed countries, with the majority of the transitioning countries having much decreased population growth, and the more developed countries having more deaths than births, thus being aging populations.
Viruses are made up of DNA