Jamestown life consisted of many duties and work routines. People used to farm tobacco as a cash crop in Virginia. Routine wise, parents used to go to their jobs and students would go to school.
The Czerwinski family in Jamestown (a habitual name in Polish) usually got up around 6:30-7 am. The children would get fresh up and help their mother get breakfast ready while their father used to get ready to go to work. Sunday was a church day. They went to church at 10 am. The other days, the children school routine started at 8 am and ended at 1 pm. Children had some responsibilities too. After school, they would go to duties which were needed to be done. Normally the duties were sweeping, dusting, making the beds, helping cook and running to the marketplace.
To generate natural energy that's cheaper and more reliable
In the 20's the U.S. was trying "to be the world's banker, food producer, and manufacturer, but to buy as little as possible from the world in return." This attempt to have a constant favorable trade balance wouldn't succeed for long. The U.S. maintained high trade barriers to protect American business, but the U.S. wouldn't buy from our European counterparts, so there's no way for them to buy from the Americans, or pay interest on U.S. loans. The weakness of the international economy certainly contributed to the Great Depression. Europe was reliant upon U.S. loans to buy U.S. goods, and the U.S. needed Europe to buy these goods to prosper. By the year 1929, 10% of American gross national product went into exports. When the foreign countries became no longer able to buy U.S. goods, U.S. exports fell 30% overnight. That $1.5 billion of foreign sales lost between 1929 to 1933 was fully one-eighth of all lost American sales in the early years of the depression.
The sound of thunder up above, crashing repeatedly, makes the natural landscape beautiful.
If the road is not well managed the accident is guarrented. If the road has big hole in it the means of transportation like bike,car will stuck in the hole if the speed is more or if the rider didn't notice it, than suddenly applying breaks wil crash the bike,car etc.
So bad roads lead to accients.