Business xase evaluation is most useful because (BCA) provides a best-value analysis that considers not only cost but other quantifiable and non-quantifiable factors supporting an investment decision. This can include but is not limited to, performance, producibility, reliability, maintainability, and supportability enhancements.
Mark me brainliest
A deque waitingLine is created.Then Jack is added to front of the deque first.After that Rudy is added to the front of the deque.AFter that Larry and sam are inserted at the back.So the last item inserted at the front is front of the deque.So Rudy was the last item inserted at the front.
Hence we conclude that the answer is Rudy.
Answer: c. that's displayed in the title bar of the browser
The title element in the html write up is used to describe the title of the work that is been carried out.
It has the format <title></title>, the title name is indicated between the opening and closing title tag.
The title does not display on the main page of the Web user's display, but it can be seen on the title bar of the Web browser.
The title element help Web user to have an idea of what a Web page is about.