With the establishment of trade towns such as Savannah, the Georgia Colony was able to use the natural resources and raw materials available to develop trade in crops, such as, tobacco, cotton, rice, indigo, lumber, furs, fish, pottery, sugar and farm products.
Mainly these were products of slave plantations. The colonists did not like the Mercantilism system as it is a system designed to benefit mainly the country that has established the colones. it was designed to benefit their home country, Great Britain, in that the colonies were to provide the raw materials, then shipping them to Britain to make finished products and them having to buy the finished products.
To enforce mercantilism in the colonies, the British passed a series of laws restricting what the colonist could do, such as requiring the colonist to only transport goods using British ships. In time, the colonist rejected this, and resorted to smuggling from other countries. When the British began to crack down on smuggling, the colonists naturally resisted.
Source: the Foundation for Economic Education
Answer: C is the correct answer
False braided beard and royal gold and blue striped Nemes cloth.
They couldn't find the funding because there was a trade embargo and the colonies could not trade with anyone. They couldn't find money either inside because people didn't have any or were loyalists.
Not sure if this will help but here's what I put:
They developed lots of new techniques for buildings and constructions. They also brought about incredibly well put together aqueducts that ran for miles. They built military roads and they are still a basis for many things that we build today.
They talked about equality under the law, and also came up with The Twelve Tables, which are very well known today. Christianity was banned in ancient Rome and Christians were punished for a very long time because of this. They were even fed to lions as entertainment.