Answer: The primary function of leaves is to collect sunlight, for use in photosynthesis.
Hope this helped!!
I know them in Spanish
Esta formado por los 206 huesos repartidos por casi todas las partes del cuerpo. Que permiten el aparato locomotor Que pueden ser largos, cortos, planos Que forman el esqueleto y proteccion para los organos internos Que se unen en tejido oseo, y tejido cartilaginoso Que son la columna vertebral, craneo, y pelvis
No because they would be ignorant if they didn't ask you first
Acceptable Macronutrients Distribution Ranges refers to adequate amount of macronutrient that should be taken in diet to avoid chronic illness or simply AMDR refer to healthy ranges of intake for carbohydrate, fat, and protein.
ADMR tells about how the protein, Lipids and carbohydrates should be distributed in diet or how much of energy should be obtained from each macronurient.
ADMR for adults are;
Protein; 10-35%, Fat; 20-35%, Carbohydrates; 45-65%.
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