In Chapter 11 of the "Ender's Game" we see the battle between Ender's Dragon Army and the Rabbit Army and their subsequent victory over the Rabbit Army which put Ender's army at the top position. So the Dragon Army was ranked number one. He was ahead not only because of the perfect score but also because Ender was ahead in other categories as well.
Japan survived not becoming a colonized country due to its defensability, its geography and its military might. It was only humiliated once before WWII, It took two nuclear bombs to get Japan to surrender.
Ethiopia survived becoming a colonized country particularly due to its geography and fauna and because of its centralized government as well, in spite of other countries from Africa which were organized by tribes.
False the department of labor is in charge of helping people get jobs
They see Jesus as a diety but they don't serve him because they don't believe in idolatry.