Since he never had an accident during the period, the premiums he paid were Expired
When you buy a premium from an insurance company, they will give you some sets of clauses which gives the condition within a specified period of time for the insurance to be paid.
If the none of the clauses were met during the period, your premium will expire , unless you renew it with your insurance company
No, Krakuer does not cite any evidence regarding his analysis about alex relationship with his father.He believe that alex just got stuck in the middle of conflict between McCandless and the father. But, he is just basing the assumption on the relationship between McCandless and the father without knowing for sure how alex behave to the conflict.
Self-defense is recognized by the common law as a defense against criminal charges on certain specific grounds.
If in a gruesome act of self-defense, there is a serious bodily injury or death of the person attempting to hurt or potentially kill the other person, the act of the former is considered valid and reasonable.
This is because the common law grants each and every individual the right to fight and the right to defend oneself in situations that may culminate in death or serious physical injury.